lordlad's Blog - Days gone bye...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Halfing Life With Steaming Fury..........

If you are an avid PC freak like me or even a casual gamer, you've no doubt heard of this two words: Half Life.

Yah. Half Life. The constant of where the matter decays (or something). No, not this Half Life. THE HALF LIFE. THE PC GAME THAT BROUGHT CINEMATIC TENSION TO PC GAMING!!! And the much anticipated sequel, Half Life 2(no subtitles, no colons) is going to be what the original is and more. That is if you actually gets to play it...........

First and foremost, Half Life 2 was supposed to arrived in our shores on 16th November. But due to shipping, it'll arrived a day later. This, i had no concerns. But, on 17th November, the distributor of the game, igamesasia, delayed the game till 19th!!! All because they did not ordered enough stocks for this game so they delayed the game to make sure everybody gets it, instead of just releasing the stocks they had.

I'm what one of those poor folks that preordered the game's Collector's Edition (through www.gameshop.com.sg). And i actually got the game LATER than those who didn't preorder it!!! After waiting for the whole day for the game to be delivered to me, the game arrived at my doorsteps at about 11pm because of the god damn rain!!! After that, i excitedly, open the package and proceed to install the game. Installation took some time but i acceptable. It is the F#$@ING unlocking part that is WAY TOO LONG. After the unlocking it, I still have to update the game which took an even LONGER time. Overall, the game took about 5 hours to install, unlock and update, which is too unreasonable.

'Great' work Valve, Steam just made me look like a clown staring at the percentage window, 'anxiously, waiting for it to proceed. Now that's game of the year!!!

Till Gabe Newell finally slims down, So sue me!!!


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